'nice 와 kind 의 차이'에 해당되는 글 1건


nice 와 kind 의 차이

English speakers use the word “nice” much more often than the word “kind”.
The basic difference between them is that we say people are “nice” in a general way, and we usually use the word “kind” to talk about a specific action that someone does.

You don’t hear, “Kind job,” at a garage; nor do you often hear, “That was a kind play.”

It was kind of you to help me. (감사했어요 / 도와주셔서)
Actually he's a nice person. (진짜 그 남자 괜찮은 사람이야)
  * actually 는 예기치 못한 내용을 말할 때, 오해를 바로 잡을 때 쓰인다.
She is nice to everyone. (그 여자는 누구에게나 상냥하다)
It was very kind of your mother to help me cook dinner for my husband.
Please tell her how much I appreciate it.

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