'too 의 뉘앙스 차이'에 해당되는 글 1건


☆ very, so, too 의 뉘앙스 차이 ☆



오늘은 very 와 too 의 뉘앙스 차이를 알아보고 싶어서 구글에서 찾아봤다.


"so" and "very" pretty much mean the same thing.
so 는 감정적인 느낌을 전달하는 표현이라고 한다. so 대신에 really 도 많이 사용한다. 


You're so pretty. (당신 참 예쁘다)

She is so beautiful. => this use is considered casual English, it is useful in conversation, but you should avoid using it in your IELTS Writing Tasks.
헉 ^^ 시험에는 so 쓰지말고 very 쓰라고 한다. 


It's really tasty. (정말 맛있다) 

“So” is used with “that” to add extra information – usually a result or consequence:

Last night I was very tired. (지난밤에 나 너무 피곤했어)
Last night I was so tired that I almost fell asleep while driving. (지난밤에 나 너무 피곤해서 운전중에 거의 졸았어)

This book is very interesting. (이 책 너무 재밌다)
This book is so interesting that I stayed up until 3 AM reading it! (이 책 너무 재미있어서 잠도 안자고 새벽3시까지 읽었어)

She plays the piano very well. (그 여자는 피아노를 너무 잘쳐)
She plays the piano so well that people often ask if she’s a professional. (그 여자는 피아노를 너무 잘쳐서 사람들이 자주 프로냐고 물어봐)

"too" is a bit different, it means something is extreme or excessive. too 는 문제가 있다는 부정적 의미로 사용됩니다.
The meal was too hot, it burnt my tongue.
고기가 너무 뜨거워서 혀를 데었다.

His girlfriend is very beautiful. (you say from the bottom of your heart with positive meaning)
His girlfriend is too beautiful. (it might indicate that his girlfriend's beauty causes trouble)

I was too late in lecture yesterday. (O) 너무 늦었다는 건 부정적인 의미니까 too 를 사용
I was very late in lecture yesterday. (X)

그럼 아래 두 문장이 어떤 차이일까요?
These shoes are too small for her.
These shoes are so small for her.

첫번째 문장의 의미는 too를 써서 부정적인 뉘앙스 이므로
내포하는 의미는 She can't get her feet into the shoes. (구두가 너무 작아서 발에 맞지 않는다)

두번째 문장의 의미는 so 는 긍정적인 뉘앙스 이므로
의미하는 것은 The shoes are tight, but she can get her feet into them. (신발이 타이트하지만, 발에 맞아 신을 수 있다)
는 의미다.

She is too heavy to ride a scooter. (그 여자는 너무 뚱뚱해서 스쿠터를 탈 수 없어)

The mango is too sweet.
When you say that the mango is too sweet, it implies that the mango is so sweet that you have problems eating it. 

You're not hungry but your family member insists that you have the meal she cooked.

She gives you a full plate and you say: "Oh thanks but that's too much, I'm afraid I won't eat all this."

It's 3 a.m. and you can't sleep because your next-door neighbors are having a party.
새벽 3시에 당신은 잠을 잘 수가 없습니다. 당신의 이웃이 파티를 열고 있어서죠 
The music gets so loud that you get up and say : "That's just too much! I'm going to go over there and give them a piece of my mind!"
음악 소리가 너무 커서 침대에서 일어나 하는 말이 "이거 너무 하잖아! 건너 가서 한소리 해야겠군!"

그리고 'a lot' 의 의미도 같이 찾아봤다.

“A lot of” + noun(명사) means a large quantity or a high number. 
“A lot of” can be used with both countable and uncountable nouns.

There were a lot of students in the classroom.
There were many students in the classroom.
There were very students in the classroom. (X)

I drank a lot of water during the marathon. (물을 많이 마셨지, 마라톤 하는 동안에)

I like this singer a lot. (나 이 가수 아주 많이 좋아해)
= I like this singer very much.

She travels a lot for work. (그 여자는 업무차 여행을 자주 해)
= She travels frequently for work.


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