'도둑 어휘 뉘앙스'에 해당되는 글 1건


도둑 어휘 뉘앙스


도둑에 대한 어휘가 어떤 것이 있고 뉘앙스가 어떻게 다른지 찾아봤다.


Thief - a person who steals, esp. secretly or without open force. (폭력을 행사하지 않고 몰래 훔치는 도둑) 

A thief is a general term meaning someone who steals.


I'll find the thief. We'll get to the bottom of this. (내가 도둑을 찾을게. 이 일을 짚고 넘어갈 거야) 

Catch that thief!    (저 도둑놈 잡아라!)
Are you sure that Dennis stole the computer?    (데니스가 컴퓨터를 훔친 게 확실해?)
Who would have thought there could be a thief in my house? (    우리 집에 도둑이 들 줄 누가 상상이나 했겠어?)

A burglar enters someone's house to steal usually when the owner is out. (주인없을 때 집에 들어가서 훔치는 절도범) 

A burglar broke into a house. (도둑한명이 집에 침입했다 → 집에 도둑이 들었다) 

A burglar broke into the next house last night. (간밤에 강도가 옆집에 침입했다)


Robbers use violence as a method of getting what they want, while a thief usually obtains their loot through stealthy actions.

A robber takes something from a person or organisation usually by threatening or injuring them.  

강도는 몸에 상해나 총/칼 등으로 위협을 가해서 사람한테 빼앗죠 

Give me your money or I will shoot you. (돈 내놔, 안그러면 쏴버리겠다!)

Why do most bank robbers get caught? (왜 대다수 은행강도가 잡힐까?)

I think someone robbed the bank.  (누가 은행을 털었나 봐)
I thought you got busted for armed robbery.  (무장강도 건으로 넌 체포된 줄 알았어)


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