'prefer 와 would rather 의 차이'에 해당되는 글 1건


prefer 와 would rather 의 차이

prefer 와 would rather 모두 '~을 더 좋아하다' 라는 의미다.

하지만 두 어휘는 쓰이는 상황이 다르다.

prefer 는 '(평소에) ~을 더 좋아한다'는 의미이고,

would rather 는 어떤 상황에 놓였을 때 '~를 더 좋아한다' 는 의미다.

Dennis, which do you prefer, tea or coffee? (데니스, 차와 커피중에 뭘 더 좋아해?)

I prefer black coffee to tea. (난 블랙 커피를 더 좋아해. 홍차보다)

I used to prefer coffee, but now I prefer tea. (예전에는 커피를 좋아했는데 지금은 차를 더 좋아해)

    * used to는 과거와 현재가 "다름"을 나타냄

커피숍에서 waitress 가 물어본다

Would you rather have tea or coffee ? (차와 커피중에 뭘 드시겠어요?)

Coffee, please. (커피 주세요)

Would you rather drink beer or wine? (맥주와 와인중에 뭘 마실래?)

I'd rather drink beer. What about you?  (난 맥주 마실래. 넌?)

Would you rather eat pizza or pasta? (피자 먹을래? 아님 파스타 먹을래?)
I'd rather eat pizza. (난 피자 먹을게)

Would you like to go out for dinner ? (나가서 저녁 드실래요?)
No, I think I'd rather eat at cafeteria. (아뇨. 그냥 구내식당에서 먹겠습니다)

Would you rather watch TV or listen to music? (TV볼래? 아님 음악 들을래?)
I'd rather listen to music. (난 음악 듣겠어)

How about going to the movies? (영화 보러 가는거 어때?)

I'd rather stay at home than go out. (밖에 나가는 것보다는 집에 있는게 낫겠어)

Would rather is very common in spoken English and is often abbreviated to 'd rather.
I'd / you'd / he'd / she'd / we'd / they'd rather…

would rather is followed by a base verb(동사원형) and would prefer is followed by an infinitive(부정사).
would rather 와 would prefer 는 동일한 의미다.

would prefer 뒤에는 to 부정사가 온다는 거 기억하자.

I would rather go naked than wear fur. (모피를 입고 다니느니 차라리 벗고 다니겠다)

You want to go out tonight? (오늘밤에 밖에 나갈래?)
I would prefer to stay at home.(난 집에 있는 게 낫겠어)

그러면 여기서 그냥 prefer 뒤에는 뭐가 올 수 있을까?

I prefer something to something else.  * 여기서 something 은 명사
I prefer doing something to doing something else.

I prefer to do something rather than (do) something else.

다시 말해서 명사, 동명사, to 부정사 모두 올 수 있다.

I prefer coffee to tea. (난 홍차보다 블랙 커피를 더 좋아해)

I prefer walking to cycling. (자전거 타는 것보다 걷는걸 더 좋아해)

My friend prefers reading books to playing baseball. (내 친구는 야구하는 것보다 책읽는걸 좋아하죠)

Dennis prefers to play tennis rather than go for a swim. (데니스는 수영하러 가는 것보다 테니스 치는 걸 더 좋아해)

아래 예문의 출처는 http://www.learnenglish-online.com/grammar/ratherprefer.html 다.

Alex: Would you rather stay home and cook dinner or go out?
Betty: I'd rather go out.  I am pretty tired today, so I don't want to cook.
       What about you?  Would you rather stay in or go out?
Alex: I would prefer to stay in, but we can go out if you would like.
Betty: That would be nice.  What type of restaurant would you like to go to?
Alex: I'd prefer to go somewhere quiet.
Betty: Really? Not me. I would rather go somewhere fun, maybe even with some live music.
Alex: But I thought you were tired?
Betty: I am, but not too tired to have some fun.
Alex: Well, I'd prefer not to, but…..OK.


'영어 > 뉘앙스 어휘' 카테고리의 다른 글

had better 와 may as well 의 차이  (0) 2014.03.26
had better 와 would rather 의 차이  (0) 2014.03.25
think of 와 think about 의 차이  (0) 2014.03.12
be about to의 의미  (0) 2014.03.06
finally 와 at last 의미  (0) 2014.02.11
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