'stone 과 rock 의 차이'에 해당되는 글 1건


stone 과 rock 의 차이

구글링해서 What Is the Difference between a Rock and a Stone? 라고 찾아봤다.

Rock is a naturally formed solid aggregate of one or more minerals. It is what stone is made from. Stone normally is used to refer to rock which has been dressed, trimmed or otherwise engineered or used by man in construction of some sort, usually as discrete (individual) blocks. Also important is the fact that these blocks are no longer in-situ (i.e. they are no longer where they were formed and part of a larger cohesive rock mass) within the Earth.

rock는 자연적으로 형성된 암석, 암반, 암벽 등을 말하고, stone 은 가공된 돌을 말한다.

rock is natural while stone is artificial.the rock found under the earths surface while the stone found anywhere on our earth's surface.


stone steps(돌계단)            tombstone(비석)             stepping stone(디딤돌)

rock climbing(암벽타기)

That is the cornerstone of our success. (그것이 저희 성공의 초석입니다)

Evolution is the cornerstone of modern biology. (진화는 현대 생물학의 초석이다)

He was stoned to death. (그는 돌에 맞아죽었다)


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