
wallet 과 purse 의 차이

I lost my purse ! (지갑을 잃어 버렸어요)" 라는 표현을 남자가 사용하면 맞는 말일까요?

구글 이미지로 purse 를 검색해보면

이런 이미지가 죽 나옵니다. 여성용 핸드백이군요.

Her purse was stolen. (그녀는 핸드백을 도난 당했어)

I need to buy a new purse. (핸드백을 새로 사야돼)

What do you carry in your purse? (핸드백에 무엇을 갖고 다닙니까?)

남자들이 들고 다니는 지갑은 wallet 입니다.

I don't have any money in my wallet.(지갑에 돈이 하나도 없네요)
I had my rent money in my wallet. (지갑속에 집세 낼 돈을 넣어 두었어요)

아래 영문은 http://wiki.answers.com/ 에 나온 내용입니다.
The wallet and billfold are both pocket-sized folding holders for paper money, credit cards and small personal documents like a driver's license or photos.
A billfold is a kind of wallet carried by a man that folds over. It is very simple in design.
A purse is a womans wallet- It is called a purse because of its longer shape and the way it unfolds.

The difference between a wallet and a purse is that a wallet is usually used by mainly men and a purse is used mostly by women.
The difference between a purse and a wallet is a purse is usually strapped over your shoulder and a wallet usually goes in your pocket, containing no straps.
In the US a hand bag is a small purse that you hold in your hand like a wallet and a purse is a bigger bag that you can carry your sholder and holds a lot of things.

wallet 이나 billfold 는 동일한데 billfold 는 접어지고 wallet 은 접어지지 않는 것도 있다고 되어 있네요.

두 어휘는 동일하게 사용된다고 하니 wallet 이나 billfold 어떤 걸 사용해도 상관은 없을 거 같습니다.


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