'even 의 뉘앙스'에 해당되는 글 1건


even 의 의미

even 의 의미에 대해 살펴봤다.

http://englishhelponline.me/2010/08/10/grammatical-word-even/ 사이트에 다음과 같이 써놓았다.

The word “even” is used very often in English, but most students don’t use it.
I think that is because they are unsure of how to use it properly, so they avoid it.

다른 사이트 자료도 좀 더찾아봤다.

When a strong statement is made, the statement is often followed with an example containing "even."
The word "even" adds shock, surprise, or excitement to the example.
even 은 지나친 상태로 예상을 넘어서는 의외의 상태를 표현한다.

Oh, no! You can't even count from one to ten yet? (이런, 너 아직 10까지도 못세는 거야?)

He loses everything. He even lost his own wedding ring! (그는 모든걸 잃어버려. 심지어 결혼반지도 잃어버렸다니까!)
Dennis doesn't even check her email. (데니스는 그녀의 메일을 확인조차도 안해)
The used car ran even. (중고차가 의외로 잘 달리더라구)
Dennis has amnesia, and he can't remember anything about the past. He can't even remember his own name!

 * amnesia : 기억상실증
My old neighbors were very loud at night, but my new neighbors are even louder than the old ones. I’m going to make a complaint.


'영어 > 뉘앙스 어휘' 카테고리의 다른 글

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