'harbor 와 port 의 차이'에 해당되는 글 1건


harbor 와 port 의 차이

harbor 와 port 는 우리말로 둘다 '항구' 라고 한다.

영어로는 어떻게 차이가 나는지 찾아봤다.

A harbour can be a man made or a natural feature connecting a piece of land with a large water body that is mainly used to provide shelter to ships and vessels from bad weather.
Harbours are used for safe anchorage of ships.
Natural harbours are surrounded by land on most sides but have an entrance point to the sea.
A man-made harbor will have sea walls or breakwaters and may require dredging.

Ports are commercial places along the coastline that are used for import and export of goods and cargo from one country to another.
Ports are mostly manmade and are bigger and have many facilities.
Ports are mainly used for loading and unloading of ships.

harbor : 선박이 정박하는 장소

port : 여객선이 입출항하는 장소, 화물선이 정박, 선적하는 장소

Does the harbor suffer from water pollution? (그 항구는 수질 오염에 시달리고 있나요?)

There are many natural harbors along the coast. (해안가를 따라서 자연 그대로의 항구들이 많다)

He works unloading ships in the port. (그는 항구에서 배를 하역하는 일을 한다)

They landed at a small port. (그들은 작은 항구에 상륙했다)


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