'have 와 eat 의 차이'에 해당되는 글 1건


have 와 eat 의 차이

정기적인 식사( 아침, 점심, 저녁, 간식)를 할 때 보통 have 를 사용한다.
아침(breakfast), 점심(lunch), 저녁(dinner), 간식(snack)은 셀 수 없는 명사이므로 관사없이 사용한다.

I go to a restaurant to have lunch.
나는 식당에 가서 점심을 먹었다.

eat는 치킨,참치, 불고기, 아이스크림 등 먹는 것을 직접 언급할 때 사용한다.
I'll eat chicken with my friend tonight.
나는 오늘밤에 친구와 치킨을 먹을거다.

구글링을 해서 찾은 외국인의 답변에는 어떻게 되어 있나 한번 봤다.
<출처 : http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130531022402AA8X6MM >

"Having lunch" refers to lunch as an occasion, an event. "Eating lunch" refers to lunch as foodstuffs to be consumed.
I may have lunch with a friend today even if I don't actually eat anything... we may just talk, or have a cocktail.
But if I say that we will eat lunch, there darn well ought to be food involved.
Usually when you "have" breakfast, lunch, or supper, you eat it.

<출처 : http://www.italki.com/question/189244 >
What is difference between "having lunch" and "eating lunch"? which one is common?
What is the difference between "eat" and "have"? May I say "eat an apple" or "have an apple"?
"have an apple" is perfectly natural and has the same meaning as "eat an apple" in the right context.

I am very hungry right now. I think I'll have an apple.
You missed breakfast? Would you like to have an apple? (I am offering someone one of my apples)

You can also use "have" in place of "eat" for things like breakfast, dinner and other meals (as momoxue said).

And "have" has a different meaning as well: to own or to hold.

I have an apple in my hand.
You have an orange. I have an apple.


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