'push 와 shove 의 차이'에 해당되는 글 1건


push 와 shove 의 차이

shove would usually imply more strength and perhaps violence.

'She pushed me lightly' means she only applied a small amount of force and wasn't really aggressive.
If I say 'I pushed my books to one side' it just means I moved them out of the way.

If someone says 'he shoved me' or 'he shoved me out of the way' it means he pushed deliberately, with some force and aggressively.
One could say 'he shoved me lightly' though it still implies an element of hostility.
Friends who are joking around with one another might 'shove' each other, which means they are pushing one another around a little roughly, but obviously there is no hostility.
You could say 'I shoved my books out of the way'. In this context, it means I pushed my books out of the way without taking any care.

'shove'는 의도적이나 적대적/공격적인 감정을 담아서 '세게 떠밀다, 세게 밀치다, 쳐넣다'의 뜻
'push' 는 '가볍게 밀다'


'영어 > 뉘앙스 어휘' 카테고리의 다른 글

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