'think of 와 think about 의 차이'에 해당되는 글 1건


think of 와 think about 의 차이

"한국에 잘못 알려진 영문법 70가지" 책에 나오는 think that 과 think about 의 차이편을 보다가 구글링을 해서 찾아봤다.

처음에 찾고자 했던 것은 What's the difference between think that and think about?

이었는데 결과는 What's the difference between 'Think of' and 'Think about ... 가 검색되었다.

When we think of something/someone it is a passing thought, not deep and analytical.
When we think about something it is a sustained period of reflection on that thing.

'Think of' takes a few seconds while 'Think about' takes a minute or even longer.

I thought of you on my way to work. (너에 대해 생각했어. 일하러 가는 도중에)
I'm trying to think of the phone number for that store. ( 그 가게 전화번호 생각(기억)해 내는 중이야)
I'm trying to think of my password. (내 패스워드가 뭔지 생각해 내는 중이야)
I'm trying to think of a new password. (새로운 패스워드를 뭘로 할지 생각중이야)

What should we do? I don't know. Let's think about it. (We'll consider the possiblities.)
I was thinking about getting married when I was promoted. (결혼에 대해 생각중이었어. 내가 승진했을 때)
I'm thinking about whether or not to marry her. (그녀랑 결혼할지 말지 곰곰히 생각중이야)
I was thinking about you the whole time I was with her. (Continuously)
I think about you whenever I get lonely (Occasionally)
I will think about you when I'm gone (Frequently)

참조한 사이트

I think (that) Dennis is a nice person. (데니스는 좋은 분인거 같아)

Why do you think so? (왜 그렇게 생각해?)

think that 은 평상시의 생각과 신념을 말할 때 사용한다.

be thinking about 은 지금 무엇인가를 생각중 이라는 의미다.

이제는 think, think about, think of 의 차이점에 대해 이해가 되었다.


'영어 > 뉘앙스 어휘' 카테고리의 다른 글

had better 와 would rather 의 차이  (0) 2014.03.25
prefer 와 would rather 의 차이  (0) 2014.03.24
be about to의 의미  (0) 2014.03.06
finally 와 at last 의미  (0) 2014.02.11
even 의 의미  (0) 2014.02.04
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