'work와 job의 차이'에 해당되는 글 1건


work와 job의 차이 

What's the difference between work and a job? 로 구글에서 검색해보면

“Work” and “job” are two words that have similar yet different meanings.

"Work" is not only something that you do for money, it's also a place that you go to every day.
Work can be done for money (like in a job) or for free (like doing work your garden, or the work of raising children.) 

I’m busy – I have a lot of work. (나 바빠. 할일이 많거든)
I start work at 8 o’clock every morning. (O)  I start my job at 8 o’clock every morning. (X)
난 매일 아침 정각 8시에 일을 시작해
I go to work by bus. (난 버스로 출근해)
Where does Dennis work? (데니스는 어디서 일해?)
Dennis works for Microsoft. (데니스는 마이크로소프트사에서 일해) * 구체적으로 무슨 일을 하는지는 모름 


Job is much more specific than work.
The word "job" has more to do with the company you work for, and what kind of work you do.
A job involves someone who pays you to do the work.
A job is something you do to make money to live.

What is your job? (넌 직업이 뭐야?)
I have two jobs – I’m a taxi driver, but I also work as a part-time fireman.
난 직업이 두개야. 택시 운전하는데 파트타임으로 소방관 일도 해
I have a few jobs to do this weekend – I have to paint the fence and fix the garage door.
나 이번주말에 소소한 일을 해. 담장 칠하고 차고문 고쳐야돼

☆ work : 돈을 받지 않고 하는 것도 포함한 일반적인 의미
☆ job : 돈벌려고 하는 것으로 구체적인 직책을 포함한 의미

http://simplygreatlives.com/our-calling/you-have-a-calling/ 에 가면 다른 설명도 같이 참조할 수 있다


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