'Some과 any 의 차이'에 해당되는 글 1건


Some과 any 의 차이



[출처] http://www.grammar.cl/Notes/Some_Any_A_An.htm


We use SOME and ANY with plural nouns and uncountable nouns.

(some 과 any 는 복수명사와 셀수없는 명사와 같이 사용된다) 

Some is generally used in positive sentences. (일반적으로 긍정문에서 사용된다) 

Any is generally used in negative sentences.  (일반적으로 부정문에서 사용된다)  

    I have some information for you about flights to Paris. (Positive - Uncountable)
    I don't have any information for you about flights to Paris. (Negative - Uncountable)
    We met some friends for drinks after work yesterday. (Positive - Plural Countable)
    I didn't see any friends there on Thursday. (Negative - Plural Countable)
    I think he will have some time to speak to you today. (Positive - Uncountable)
    I don't think he will have any time to speak to you today. (Negative - Uncountable)

You can also use SOME and ANY in a sentence without a noun if the meaning of the sentence is clear.
    I didn't eat any salad but Peter ate some. (salad)
    Sean took lots of photos of the mountains but Emma didn't take any. (photos)

Questions with Some and Any
Generally, we use ANY in questions. (일반적으로 질문에 any를 사용한다)
    Do you know any famous people?
    Do you have any children?

But, SOME is used in the following circumstances: (그러나, some은 아래 상황에서 사용된다)
1. When we are offering something. (뭔가를 제공할때)
    Would you like some coffee?
    Do you want some sugar for your coffee?
2. When we are asking for something. (뭔가를 물어볼 때)
    Could I have some salt, please?
    Can I have some fries with that?
3. When we are suggesting something. (뭔가를 제안할 때)
    Why don't we rent some movies to watch tonight?
    Why don't you give her some advice?


http://www.espressoenglish.net/difference-between-some-and-any/  에 가면 문제를 풀어볼 수 있다.

간략하게 som 과 any의 차이점을 알아봤다. 


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