'Teacher 와 Instructor 의 차이'에 해당되는 글 1건


teacher 와 instructor 의 차이

teacher 와 instructor 의 차이점에 대해 찾아봤다.

An instructor usually teaches a sport or a practical skill such as driving, skiing, swimming, or other sports, but a teacher is more for theoretical subjects at a school.
An instructor shows you how to do something.
A teacher is one who teaches or trains by giving information about the subject.
A coach normally instructs the players or the trainees, while conducting training sessions.
coach : someone who helps a person or team improve in a sport. (ex, a professional tennis coach)
professor : a teacher in a college or university.
tutor : someone who gives private lessons to one student or a small group of students.

He works as a ski instructor in the winter. (그는 겨울에 스키강사로 일한다)

Tutor is the person who helps the students learn more efficiently depending upon student’s condition and aptitude.
Tutors provide individual one to one tuition.

Teacher is the person who provides formal education for students typically in educational institutes like school, university, college etc.

Teachers teach a subject but tutors pay attention to the students individual needs.
A teacher has a much wider set of duties and responsibilities than a tutor.

간단하게 요약하면, 과외 선생은 tutor, 학교/어학원에서 가르치는 선생은 teacher


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