'ashamed 와 embarrassed 의 차이'에 해당되는 글 1건


ashamed 와 embarrassed 의 차이

Basically, the word "embarrassed" means having a feeling of emotional discomfort in front of other people.

If we are embarrassed, we have to be in front of at least one other person. We cannot be embarrassed if we are alone.

embarrassed는 뜻하지 않은 실수 등을 저질러 ‘난감하고 당황해서’ 창피한 심정에 해당되며, 일반적인 경우에는 embarrassed 를 사용한다.

The word "ashamed" means having a feeling of guilt because you did something bad intentionally.
 We can also be ashamed of someone else if they did something bad intentionally.

ashamed는 도덕적으로나 법적으로 하지 말았어야 할 일을 해서 들통이 나거나 처벌을 받게 되었을 때 강한 죄책감이나 치욕감을 표현할 때 사용한다.

I feel embarrassed when I have to speak in front of people. (난 사람들앞에서 연설해야 할 때 당황한다)

I was embarrassed when my boss asked me why I was late. (상사가 왜 늦었냐고 추궁하였을 때 당황하였다)

I felt embarrassed when I had to sing a song in public yesterday. (어제 사람들 팡에서 노래를 불러야 했는데 부끄러웠다)

I was so embarrassed when he suddenly hugged me. (그 남자가 갑자기 날 껴안아서 무척 당황했다)

Your face is turning red. Are you embarrassed? (너 얼굴 빨개진다. 너 당황했니?)

Did you really lose your license for drunk driving? (음주 운전으로 정말 면허가 취소됐어?)
Yes. I feel so ashamed. (응, 정말 창피해)

I felt ashamed for stealing the money. (나는 돈을 훔친 데 대해 죄책감을 느꼈다)

I can’t believe you cheated on your exam! I’m really ashamed of you! (네가 컨닝을 했다니 믿을 수가 없다. 너 정말 부끄러운줄 알아)


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